#Ahamed Jazif
A nap képe: Fireball
Very lucky to capture this beautiful rare moment. This image was captured at Oluvil, Srilanka. It was shot at around 5.30pm.
A nap képe: Visual Treat
This image was captured at sainthamaruthu, Srilanka.
A nap képe: Giants
This image was captured in the golden evening at ninthvur, Srilanka. The Sri Lankan elephant is native to Sri Lanka and one of three recognised subspecies of the Asian elephant. It is the type subspecies of the Asian elephant and was first described by Carl Linnaeus under the binomial Elephas maximus in 1758.
A nap képe: Last Walk
This image was taken at pallakadu garbage dump Srilanka. The death of elephants in such small and large garbage dumps has become commonplace in Sri Lanka. Apart from that, the death rate of elephants in Sri Lanka is increasing every year due to the actions of irresponsible people. The entire environment is affected and the balance of life on earth is in question. Human responsible for all these.
A nap képe: Dance together
These are actually two male Rat Snakes who are in combat for dominance, to prove who is the strongest of the pack. While no mating is involved, the two snakes perform the 'dance' by wrapping around each other and raising their upper bodies in an attempt to subdue each other.